Call Out: The Mosaic Rooms Young Collective 2025

Express Your Interest to be part of The Mosaic Rooms Young Collective 2025
Deadline: Sunday 2 March, midnight
Please note: This year, due to refurbishments at The Mosaic Rooms, we’ll be hosting sessions at Gasworks, SE11 5RH.
The Mosaic Rooms Young Collective is a group of 18–25-year-olds who will meet monthly between April and October 2025* to take part in creative sessions with professional artist Jacob V Joyce. This year, we will continue exploring the theme Cruising Alternative Realities, with a particular focus on seasonal shifts, land justice, the art of growing, nature, and all things leisurely paced.
These sessions will encourage you to connect with the natural world and each other through creative practices such as foraging, planting, collaborative artmaking, and storytelling. We’ll explore how art and nature intersect, and how the slow, cyclical rhythms of the land can inspire new ways of thinking and being.
You’ll be guided through the creation of your own work, and together we’ll discuss and develop ideas for a potential public event or exhibition that you and the group will choose and deliver. (This outcome is an option. Previous projects have resulted in exhibition / banner drops.) This is an opportunity to build your creative skills and connect with others in a supportive environment, all while contributing to a meaningful collective project.
Other benefits include:
- – Personal support from The Mosaic Rooms team and other artists and professionals to help develop your creative career or personal interests.This will also be supported by external mentors.
- – The chance to programme and deliver a public event or show of work in autumn 2025.
- – Monthly sessions in and around Gasworks, SE11 5RH, where you’ll be able to engage with professional artists, learn new creative techniques, and reflect on the year’s theme.
No previous art experience is necessary—just an open, curious mind and a desire to explore new creative possibilities!
Previous projects:
Find out more about previous Young Collective projects here.
2024: Cruising Alternative Realities
2023: Shall We Sit Together?
2022: Anatomy of a World
How to apply
To apply, fill out this form to let us know you’re interested in joining the Collective. Priority will be given to individuals who identify as part of the Global Majority and who have no formal art education beyond GCSE level.
Jacob V Joyce is an artist, researcher, and educator from South London. Their work is community focussed ranging from mural painting, illustration, workshops, poetry, and punk music with their band Screaming Toenail. Joyce has illustrated international human rights campaigns for Amnesty International and Global justice Now, had their comics published in national newspapers and self-published several DIY zines. Their work with OPAL (Out Proud African LGBTI) has gone viral across the African Continent and increased the visibility of activists fighting the legacies of colonially instated homophobic legislation.
Joyce was recently awarded a Support Structures Fellowship from the Serpentine Gallery and a Westminster PhD research scholarship at C.R.E.A.M, (Centre for Research and Education in Art Media.) Previous recognitions include a collaborative residency at Serpentine Galleries Education Department with Rudy Loewe 2020, TFL (Transport for London) Public Arts Grant 2019, Artist Participation Residency at Gasworks London/East Yard Trinidad Tobago 2019, Tate Galleries Education Department Residency 2019, Nottingham Contemporary Community Artist Residency 2017.
Joyce is a non-binary artist amplifying historical and nourishing new queer and anti-colonial narratives.