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Let’s Fly Together

Family Fun Online

27/03/21 2pm

Story teller Elias Matar tells a story to children

Join artist and play therapist Elias Matar as he invites you on a magical adventure which you will help to create. This live online storytelling and movement workshop is for children and their families. You will fly with mythical creatures above forgotten cities and write histories of your own. Taking part together with other families, you will be part of the story in this interactive workshop with Elias as he weaves the tale.

Elias Matar is a Palestinian play specialist, drama therapist, workshop facilitator, performer and founder of the El Bayet Centre for Performing Arts & Drama Therapy. Elias holds an MA in Drama and Movement Therapy from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London.


Tickets are not available as this event has passed.

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