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Unsacrificed Terrains
Workshop & Performance
29/01/23 2pm

Book your ticket below for this in person event. Note that spaces are limited and the organisers would like to prioritise QTBPOCs. If you are unable to afford the ticket price email contact@mosaicrooms.org for a free ticket.
mirrored fatality and Cultivating Justice: Out On The Land, Land in Our Names, and Farmerama Radio join together to present Unsacrificed Terrains. They will hold space for a community altar and storytelling to discuss their work centred on Land Justice, Prison Abolition, Food Sovereignty, Indigenous, Native, and Black Reparations, Climate Change, and QTBIPOC mutual aid. The conversations will also highlight the autonomous movement Defend the Forest Atlanta.
The workshop will close the circle with a mirrored fatality performance and a collective banner making in solidarity inspired by the discussions on land justice. The gathering aims to create points of solidarity across the organisers’ work to uplift a global and international movement.
mirrored fatality is an underground interdependent Kapampangan and South Asian xenobinary experimental and healing noise queer punk farmer duo sharing their “cocoon webs” combining performance art, music, spoken word, film, photography, painting, drawing, upcycled garments, anti-imperialist education, and healing justice practice spaces to mobilise a warrior community responding to transnational calls-to-action for mutual aid, land sovereignty, and prison abolition.
Cultivating Justice is a project coordinated by three grassroots organisations: Land In Our Names (LION), Out on the Land (OOTL), and Farmerama. The project intends to build lasting mobilisation and justice for marginalised communities who are resisting colonial, patriarchal and imperialist food/farming systems.
LION is a grassroots Black-led collective committed to reparations in Britain by connecting land and climate justice with racial justice. They are working towards land justice through a reparative justice and racial justice framework. They are passionate about agroecological methods and see food justice and climate justice as essential parts of work. They strive to create strong networks between BPOC growers, herbalists, landworkers, ecologists and other land-based practitioners.
Out On The Land (OOTL) is where Land Workers’ Alliance LGBTQIA+ folx come together to build solidarity, to network and connect, and raise the voices of queer and trans landworkers. They do this in order to reduce isolation, challenge cis-het-normativity and to create spaces for queer and trans joy. They are an unabashedly queer and trans positive group, led by queer and trans people, and celebrate all the beautiful ways we can be Out On The Land!
Farmerama Radio is an award-winning podcast sharing the voices behind regenerative farming. Each month, the show features farmers and growers rebuilding our food and ecosystems from the ground up. They are committed to positive ecological futures for the earth and its people, and believe that farmers of the world will determine this. By giving them a voice, they hope to rejuvenate the confidence and vibrancy of regenerative farmers and rural communities and demonstrate how their decisions affect us all – from our food, to our health, and the planet.
Workshop donations will support Atlanta Solidarity Fund.
Images: Courtesy of mirrored fatality.