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Social reproduction and empire in an Egyptian century
Reading Group
23/03/23 7pm
RSVP below for this in person event. Please note spaces are limited, only book if you are sure to come.
Join artist Marwa Arsanios and researcher Mai Taha for a reading group. This session will depart from Mai Taha and Sara Salem’s text “Social reproduction and empire in an Egyptian century” (Radical Philosophy 204, Spring 2019, pp. 47–54) that builds a critical view on the formation of social reproduction in post-colonial Egypt, and will bring in excerpts of texts from other Egyptian feminists writers and activists.
The material will be sent to the participants upon registration.
Mai Taha is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She has written on law and imperialism, human rights, labour struggles, gender and care work, and social reproduction theory in the Middle East.
Marwa Arsanios is an artist, filmmaker and researcher who reconsiders politics of the mid-twentieth century from a contemporary perspective, with a particular focus on gender relations, urbanism and industrialisation. She approaches research collaboratively and seeks to work across disciplines. Solo shows include: Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati (2021); Skuc Gallery, Ljubljana (2018); Beirut Art Center (2017); Hammer Museum, Los Angeles (2016); Kunstinstituut Melly FKA Witte de With, Rotterdam (2016) and Kunsthalle Lissabon, Lisbon (2015). Her work has also been featured in numerous group exhibitions including: Documenta 15 (2022), Sharjah Biennale (2019) and Home Works Forum, Ashkal Alwan, Beirut (2010, 2013, 2015).
Image: Fehras Publishing Practices, Borrowed Faces: Future Recall, Installation View, The Mosaic Rooms, 2021.