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Beds, Bodies and the State
9/09/22 7pm

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Join writers Sara El Adl and Hannah Elsisi as they discuss their research on subjectivity, spatial politics and the bed. The conversation will shed light on the making and unmaking of sexed states and subjects in the context of postcolonial politics and political violence, as well as explore performances of, and possibilities for, thinking futurity otherwise.
Sara El Adl is a writer and curator from Cairo. She holds an MA in International Human Rights Law from the American University in Cairo. Interested in different experiences of duration and space in reaction to violence, she thinks about performative acts within private space in the socio-political context of Egypt, as well as their effect on identity-formation and subjectivity. She has co-edited Ahmed Morsi: The Printmaking Years (Cairo: Gypsum Books 2020) and A Book on a Proposed House Museum for an Unknown Crying Man (Berlin: DAAD 2022). She is currently a PhD candidate in Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths, University of London. More about Sara El Adl
Hannah Elsisi is a social and intellectual historian of the Modern Middle East. She holds a PhD in history from the University of Oxford and is a junior research fellow at Pembroke College University of Cambridge and the Crown Center for Middle East Studies. Her research charts the history of imprisonment, repression, and torture in Modern Egypt. She is wrapping up that research project with two forthcoming books, Lovers in the Citadel: Prisons and Other Architectures of Subjection in Egypt and an anthology, Behind the Sun: Prison Writing in an Egyptian Century. More about Hannah Elsisi.
1. Mahmoud Khaled, Fantasies on a Found Phone, Dedicated to the Man Who Lost it, 2022, multimedia installation. Installation view at The Mosaic Rooms. Photography: Andy Stagg.
2. Portrait Sara El Adl. Courtesy of the portrayed.
3. Portrait Hannah El Sisi. Courtesy of the portrayed.