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Constellations of Collaboration – Cultural Solidarities and Networks
Online Panel Discussion
11/05/23 4pm

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Learn about exhibition making, organising and new constellations of collaboration in this online panel discussion. Daniela Berger, Bojana Piškur, Rasha Salti and Grace Samboh will talk about their ongoing work, research and curatorial practice, exploring models of artistic and cultural solidarity, collective and radical organising.
About the speakers
Daniela Berger Prado (b. Santiago, Chile) is a mother, curator and researcher. She works both independently and as curator and head of the exhibitions programme at Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende, Chile, since 2016. She is guest professor of contemporary art and exhibition practices at Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile.
Bojana Piškur works as a curator in the Moderna galerija / Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana. Her focus of professional interest is on political issues as they relate to or are manifested in the field of art, with special emphasis on the region of post-Yugoslavia.
Rasha Salti is a researcher, writer and curator working in art and film, she is based in Berlin.
Grace Samboh (b. Jakarta, 1984) cannot stay put, so she works in Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Jatiwangi or Medan. Due to questioning too many things at once, she does curatorial work as well as groundwork research. She is interested in unravelling how social realities, relationships and the past formulate in contemporary practices.
Image 1: Protest in Beirut in 1973, in support of the resistance against the Pinochet coup d’état in Chile. Photographer unknown. Courtesy of Rasha Salti.
Image 2: Works of Ho Tzu Nyen, Belkis Ayon Manso, Dolorosa Sinaga, Etcétera, Sarah Ortmeyer, and S. Teddy D, in Para Sekutu yang Tidak Bisa Berkata Tidak (literally the Acquiescent Allies), 2022. Photo by Sancoyo Purnomo. Courtesy of Goethe-Institut Indonesien / Grace Samboh.