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Correspondance (Belonging)
16/12/21 11am
Please RSVP for your twenty-minute time slot for this in person event. Tickets are limited to 12, please only book if you are sure to come.
Artist Murat Adash explores belonging as a process of co-becoming through reflecting on notions of boundaries and negative space in a new one-to-one performance at The Mosaic Rooms.
This new performance forms part of an ongoing series of choreographic works entitled Correspondance—a portmanteau combining the terms of correspondence and dance. For Murat the performance emerges from the living and dynamic relations between subjects and objects. Each of these works establish affective encounters that probe acts of responsiveness and response-ability.
Correspondance (Belonging) is an interactive performance designed to be encountered between one performer and one audience member at a time. During each twenty-minute performance, bodily acts of movement, speech and sound will be employed to guide the audience member through a series of choreographed and improvised elements that explore attention, awareness, sensation and relation as forms of collective embodiment and being-in-space together. For Adash ‘the choreography establishes an intimate encounter in a relationship to belonging, where belonging is not bound to any specific location but to a system of movement..’.
Drawing on feminist, queer and diasporic concepts of belonging and relations with others, Correspondance (Belonging) touches on boundaries and borders as zones of contact to re-imagine other ways of being-in-space.
Murat Adash is a German-Turkish artist, whose performance-based practice develops architecturally motivated, choreographic inquiries that seek to investigate how space is occupied, shared and transformed. Through movement, Adash creates choreographies in a range of media that seek to explore the ephemeral nature of physical boundaries—particularly regarding the dynamic edges between performers and their audiences, and the spaces in which they come together. More about Murat Adash
Image: Courtesy of Murat Adash.