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Entanglements: Bodies and Borders
26/05/22 7pm

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Inspired by Hayv Kahraman’s paintings, anthropologist Miriam Ticktin asks: ‘Can rethinking the borders of the body help us to rethink borders more broadly?’
Ticktin proposes that recognising that we live in a connected world is the only way to survive today, stating that, ‘as Covid19 has made very clear, we are in a life-and-death embrace with each other that no one can wriggle out of’. She uses this vision of interconnection to help us rethink borders and the treatment of migrants and refugees in the Global North, who are still depicted as “invasive” and likened to pathogens like Covid19. Drawing on Kahraman’s paintings, Ticktin asks ‘How might we rethink the world in terms of entanglements?’. This talk aims to think about interconnections and the way we must learn to live with otherness.
Miriam Ticktin is Associate Professor of Anthropology at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City, and publishes widely on topics such as immigration, humanitarianism, and racial and gendered inequalities. Most notably, she is the author of Casualties of Care: Immigration and the Politics of Humanitarianism in France.
Images: 1. Hayv Kahraman, Torshi and Eyes (detail) 2022. Oil and torshi on linen. 50 x 50 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Pilar Corrias, London. Photography: Fredrik Nilsen Studio. 2. Hayv Kahraman, Entanglements with torshi (detail) 2021. Oil and torshi on linen. 70 x 70 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Pilar Corrias, London. Photography: Fredrik Nilsen. 3. Portrait Miriam Ticktin. Courtesy of the portrayed.