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Museum of Architecture
Tuesday to Saturday, 11am – 6pm, FREE

As part of the British Council International Architecture and Design Showcase 2012 and the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad, The Mosaic Rooms are pleased to present its first architecture exhibition by the Museum of Architecture.
The MoA presents Home, an exhibition that picks apart the very fabric of what makes up the home in the Arab world. The notion of home is explored through visual conception, materials and forms that reference traditional typologies and environmental contexts that are uniquely Arab.
The exhibition will explore and challenges traditional identities by engaging and presenting contemporary Arab Architecture that seeks to redefine or reconfirm each country’s unique interpretation. Working with Architects and collaboratives from Bahrain (Ministry of Culture), Egypt (Shahira Fahmy Architects), Iraq (AMBS Architects), Lebanon (LEFT Architects), Morocco (Kilo Architecture), Qatar (Virginia Commonwealth University and Independent Architects) and Yemen (The Daw‘an Mud Brick Architecture Foundation, led by Salma Samar Damluji), the exhibition will inform visitors of contemporary practice within architecture in the Middle East and North Africa region.
From investigating of what ‘makes’ a home when we take it with us, to readdressing the need for familiar, intimate spaces on a social housing scale, the exhibition presents a diverse, considered and inventive approach to contemporary practice.
There will be a tour of the exhibition by participating architects. Date to be confirmed, please check our Talks & Events section for updates!
The HOME exhibition will stimulate a year-long learning programme at The Mosaic Rooms around the notion of home, exploring what home means to young people in London and in the Middle East through a series of creative workshops. For further details please contact rachael@mosaicrooms.org
Exhibition open 21 June- 7 July 2012, Tue-Sat 11-6pm, entrance free