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Humanitarianism and the Migrant Crisis

24/11/16 7pm


Join Peter GillNatasha King and Maya Goodfellow as they discuss problems facing contemporary humanitarian solutions and the potential of alternative responses and activism to the migrant crisis.

How should citizens, NGO’s and governments respond to the humanitarian crisis? Gills controversial book ‘Today We Drop Bombs, Tomorrow We Build Bridges’ reveals how the war of terror has politicized foreign aid as never before. While some agencies have clung to their neutrality others have compromised their impartiality to secure the flow of official funds. Gill poses the crucial question – can Western nations fight in a country and aid it at the same time?

Natasha King’s forthcoming book ‘No Borders: The Politics of Immigration Control and Resistance’ offers highly original and provocative examination of ‘no borders politics’ and what this means within current contentious debates on migration. Her extensive research explores the different forms of activism which have emerged in the struggle against border controls, and the dilemmas these activists face in translating their principles into practice.

Peter Gill is a journalist specialising in developing world affairs. He has been South Asia and Middle East correspondent for the Daily Telegraph and has travelled widely in Africa and Asia as a current affairs reporter for ITV, the BBC and Channel 4.

Natasha King has been active in campaigning for refugee rights and against border controls for over a decade. She has taught at the University of Nottingham, and worked as a caseworker with the British Refugee Council.

Maya Goodfellow is a writer and researcher. She is a regular columnist for Media Diversified and LabourList. She has also written for The Independent, The Guardian and The New Statesman. Her work focuses largely on UK politics, gender and race.

FREE, rsvp@mosaicrooms.org


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