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No nationality, no borders, kill this bill
14/11/21 2pm

Note that this event takes place at Rabbits Road Press, as a drop-in between 2pm and 7pm. RSVP below for this in person event. Tickets are limited, please only book if you are sure to come.
Join Migrants In Culture for this creative poster printing and distribution session against the UK government’s anti-refugee bill. This is the second of two workshops participants are welcome to attend one or both workshops.
Express your ideas, create calls to action, and take part in a conversation about what the bill will change and what you can do about it. Participants can edit and finalise posters made in previous workshop, or bring new poster ideas on the day. Posters will then be riso-printed (riso printing is similar to screen printing, but with the convenience of an office copier). Then, join the collective to distribute the posters locally and nationally, on the streets and online.
The government is currently pushing the Nationality and Borders Bill through parliament. It represents an unprecedented attack on the refugee protection system, in the already hostile immigration system of the UK. The proposed law will punish refugees on arrival, normalise migrant prisons, and limit access to justice.
Art materials will be provided and facilitators can support your creative process. The workshop is designed for anyone who is against borders. You don’t need to have any experience with design or art making.
More about the first workshop on the 4 November.
Migrants in Culture is a network of migrants organising to create the conditions of safety, agency and solidarity in the culture sector for migrants, people of colour and all others impacted by the UK’s immigration regime.We are guided by a vision of culture without (juridical, racial, gendered, ableist, class, physical, economic, and everyday) borders.
Images: Courtesy of the collective.