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Project 003278079060
Online Conversation
4/06/20 7pm
In times of lockdown across the world, artists neither and Marc Buchy activated the Project 003278079060, turning the message of a voicemail system into a space to host sound-based artworks. Creating a virtual space where the maximum length of the message, and so the sound piece – is only one minute, people encounter the artworks through a simple phone call.
neither and Marc Buchy talk with contributing artists Younes Baba-Ali and Shayma Nader about Project 003278079060 as an alternative way to disseminate and experience sound art, and present some of the works featured.
neither is a non-disclosed entity making or participating in art related interventions since 2015.
Marc Buchy has a masters from the LUCA School of Arts in Brussels and a post-graduate from the IHEAP New-York. His work focuses on the idea of knowledge. He participated in residencies in the United States, Italy, Palestine and Colombia.
Younes Baba-Ali lives between Casablanca and Brussels. He makes art that is often in public space or places uncommon to art practice. In his work he mixes technology, objects, sound, video and photography with political, social and ecological issues.
Shayma Nader is a visual artist who collaborates with musicians and writers. Born in Jerusalem, she lives and works in Ramallah, Palestine. Her recent work explores environmental injustice and socio-political dynamics within resistance movements.
Image: Found Footage.Project 003278079060 (2020). Courtesy of Marc Buchy.
Listen to the conversation below