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To The Sour Sowers
Abbas Zahedi
15/04/21 —1/06/21

“I have no fear here, in this world of trees, weeds, and growing things”
– bell hooks
The Mosaic Rooms presents To The Sour Sowers, a new work by London-based artist Abbas Zahedi, who has designed a risograph print as an impermanent marker of loss and renewal.
The risograph is printed on seeded paper, textured by a mix of wildflower seeds and offset by a bright lemon sky. The artist requests participants to directly intervene in his work. Through a series of prompts he asks you to: pen a note to no one, yourself or a late loved one; cut out the lemon sky; plant it in a public patch; and then renew the horizon with a landscape of your choice.
The print was limited to 500 with an allocation made directly available to NHS workers and local communities.
The stark reality of the past twelve months has been one of uncertainty, and for many, a profound loss. To The Sour Sowers, invites a moment to grieve and encourages a gentle pause to break with the past and provoke a gesture of renewal. This act of collaboration provides space for connection, leaving behind a time of magnified solitude.
The title and performative gesture of the work makes reference to Van Gogh’s The Sower, (1888), in which a green-yellow sky and bright yellow sun embraces the figure of a sower, planting seeds in a field. In the spirit of spring, this commission pays tribute to a sense of hope, revival and new beginnings.
All of the prints have now been distributed.
Tag us to share your creations and plantings: #tothesoursowers #mosaicreates
Abbas Zahedi’s interdisciplinary practice blends contemporary philosophy, poetics, and social dynamics with performance, sound, sculpture, and moving image. With an emphasis on how personal and collective histories interweave, Zahedi makes connections whenever possible with people involved in the particular situations upon which he focuses, to invite others into the conversation.