Ikhtiar / Choice

How do we protect what belongs to us, to find a place we belong?
Ikhtiar / Choice explores self-defined heritage through sound and moving image making, and was created through a collaborative process between young people aged 16-20 and artists Zahra Haji Fath Ali Tehrani and Nia Fekri.
The young people who took part attend partner organisations New Citizen’s Gateway which supports the integration of refugees and asylum seekers into UK life and culture as equal members of our society. IntoUniversity which supports young people from to go to university or follow another career path of their choice.
The multi media pieces that they created was screened in the The Living Room (Al-Madafeh) space in The Mosaic Rooms throughout December 2021, and is on view to watch in our gallery bookshop throughout July 2022
You can watch the videos on our Vimeo channel here
Project partners
Ikhtiar / Choice was devised in partnership with IntoUniversity and New Citizen’s Gateway, and was shaped collaboratively with these organisations to make sure that the project offered perspectives and activities that would be useful to the participants. The project was open ended, and all creative outcomes were shaped by the young people involved.