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Reading List

Samia Henni shares a reading list for her exhibition Performing Colonial Toxicity, currently on at The Mosaic Rooms.


A Desert Named Peace: The Violence of France’s Empire in the Algerian Sahara, 1844-1902 by Benjamin Claude Brower
. Architecture of Counterrevolution: The French Army in Northern Algeria by Samia Henni
Colonial Toxicity: Rehearsing French Radioactive Architecture and Landscape in the Sahara by Samia Henni Order
. Decolonizing Memory: Algeria and the Politics of Testimony by Jill Jarvis
Deserts Are Not Empty, edited by Samia Henni Order
. Entangled Geographies: Empire and Technopolitics in the Global Cold War, edited by Gabrielle Hecht
. Essais nucléaires français: L’héritage empoisonné  by Bruno Barrillot
. Histoire secrète de la bombe atomique française by André Bendjebbar
. Les irradiés de Béryl : L’essai nucléaire français non contrôlé by Louis Bulidon
. Les irradiés de la république: Les victimes des essais nucléaires français prennent la parole by Bruno Barrillot
. Les vétérans des essais nucléaires français au Sahara, 1960-1966 by Christine Chanton
Manual for a Future Desert, Edited by Ida Soulard, Abinadi Meza & Bassam El Baroni
. Sahara: a Thousand Paths into the Future, edited by Kateryna Botanova, Yarri Kamara, and Quinn Latimer
The Arid Lands: History, Power, Knowledge by Diana K. Davis
The Radiance of France: Nuclear Power and National Identity after World War II by Gabrielle Hecht
. The Scramble for African Oil: Oppression, Corruption and War for Control of Africa’s Natural Resources by Douglas A. Yates
. Untapped: The Scramble for Africa’s Oil by John Ghazvinian
. Ware Zones, edited by Samia Henni


. At(h)ome directed by Élisabeth Leuvrey, Les Ecrans du large, 2013
. Vent de Sable; Le Sahara des essais nucleaire (Sandstorm: The Sahara of the Nuclear Tests), directed by Larbi Benchiha, 2008

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