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Solidarity Statement for Sheikh Jarrah

The Mosaic Rooms have always invited important and critical reflections on the situation in Palestine/Israel. In light of recent developments in Occupied East Jerusalem, we have put together a resource list that may help our friends and supporters to better understand the context of the current situation in Sheikh Jarrah.

On Sheikh Jarrah and Jerusalem:

Read this briefing from the human rights organisation Al Haq released 10 May 2021 about the attacks on Palestinians in Jerusalem, and in Al Aqsa mosque.

Read key facts from Palestinian Policy Network Al Shabaka about the policy of the forcible transfer of Palestinians from Jerusalem.

This graphic from designer activists Visualising Palestine in Jadaliyya pictures the anatomy of displacement and family separation enacted in Jerusalem against Palestinians.

Funambulist Magazine – Learning with Palestine, positions Palestine simultaneously as the site of anti-colonial learning and solidarity, as well as a the source of a productive dialogue with other colonial geographies.

Here are some recordings that we recommend from The Mosaic Rooms’ programme that give some wider context to the situation:

Watch Hassan Jabareen, one of four speakers at the 2019 Edward W Said London Lecture. The head of legal organisation Adala talks about Israel’s Jewish Nation State Law as enacting apartheid style laws of citizenship.

Amira Hass, journalist at Haaretz gave the 2018 London Edward W. Said Lecture. In it she outlined the techniques of occupation and predicted Israel would accelerate aggressive occupation and control of Palestinian land.

Listen to this talk with Rashid Khalidi talking to Karma Nabulsi about the British imperialist past, in this talk about his book The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine. Listen from 6 minutes in.

Hear writer and lawyer Raja Shehadah talk about the way that language and culture enacts occupation and talks about the displacement of Palestinians in Language of War, Language of Peace. From 3 minutes. We also recommend Raja Shehadah’s lecture to SOAS in 2017 entitled ‘Does Israel Fear Peace?’.

Image artwork by Mothanna Hussein.

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