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Archiving Future Knowledge Systems

When I see the future...

27/05/21 2pm


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Join us for part two of our symposium When I see the future…

How does the often unremarked purging of images from online platforms impact our understanding of historical events? The panel  Archiving Future Knowledge Systems will address the predictive function of the digital archive. Focusing on the degree to which research practices contribute to the development of interdisciplinary methodologies, the panelists will analyse the future of epistemological debates in a post-digital age.

The event brings together three speakers who work with digital archives. Donatella Della Ratta, writer and curator, who is co-editor of The Arab Archive and co-founder of the online platform SyriaUntold. Jeff Deutch is a researcher with Syrian Archive, an organisation which facilitates open-source investigations. Nishant Shah works at the intersections of body, identity, digital technologies, his new book Really Fake will be published in May 2021.

This panel discussion is moderated by Heba Y. Amin and Anthony Downey and part of the public programme of Heba Y. Amin‘s exhibition When I see the future, I close my eyes. 


Portraits: Donatella Della Ratta and Nishant Shah. Courtesy of the researchers.


Tickets are not available as this event has passed.

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