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Borrow Tomorrow
Performance in gallery
23/09/21 7pm

LUMIN collective present a performance amidst the archive on display in the exhibition Borrowed Faces: Future Recall. They will use printed matter to imagine long-term borrowing as a way to resist Western modes of indexing, archiving and preserving. The collective – Sadia Pineda Hameed and Beau W Beakhouse – create a space for autonomy, agency and the reproduction of mutual resources as a way of re-imagining the library.
LUMIN are a small press, curatorial collective and radio programme based in Cardiff, Wales. LUMIN is broadly the curatorial project of artists Beau W Beakhouse and Sadia Pineda Hameed which often looks to transform and liberate ideas of space; to create space that is radical, revolutionary, empathetic and open. LUMIN Press works through curation, care and dialogue, and is interested in archives, decolonising and democratising print, publishing and the arts, non-Western modes of communication and creating new models of sharing. More about LUMIN
Image 1-2: Speculation. Performance Still. Courtesy of LUMIN.
Image 3: Portrait LUMIN. Courtesy of the artists.