Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans are self-led play guides, inspired by Tools for Solidarity by RESOLVE Collective, available for children and all to use for free at The Mosaic Rooms.
Devised through public workshops between July and October in 2023, these Lesson Plans invite partners and participants to reflect on ‘solidarity’ and what this means for them. Traces from these contributions activated The Mosaic Rooms’ garden as a site of making and learning for everyone, and can be used anywhere in the world.
Pick up your Lesson Plan in our bookshop, or download, fold and print your zines with links below.
Yalla Seeding by Mohammed Saleh
Palestinian artist Mohammad Saleh invites you to to learn about his work in Palestine and the practice of seed bombing. Use this lesson plan to create your own seed balls using clay, compost, and wildflower seeds. DOWNLOAD
You Draw My Hum by Nia Fekri
British-Iranian artist Nia Fekri shares how to compose and visualise sounds. Use this lesson plan with a friend, and make music with drawings using pens, paper and everyday materials. DOWNLOAD
Carving Other Ways by Rose Nordin (STUART)
Rose Nordin reimagines and redeisgns the newspaper as a means to dream, hope and design our own visions of the future and present by carving other ways in stamps. DOWNLOAD
My Dream ‘Hoash’ by Space Black
Space Black re-imagines the gardens of The Mosaic Rooms as their own utopian, dream ‘Hoash’ or courtyard. DOWNLOAD
Tools for Solidarity by RESOLVE Collective manifested in The Mosaic Rooms’ garden with a series of interactive sculptures which harness radical play and remix recycled materials to ask young people and their families: what tools are needed in our communities to practice solidarity? Throughout summer, the installation grew and evolved, changing through play, as a way of exploring and supporting practices of solidarity for communities and social causes both locally and internationally.
Nia Fekri is an Iranian-British multidisciplinary artist and educator working with moving-image, writing and performance. She received a BA from Slade School of Fine Art.
Rose Nordin is an artist from London. Rose is focused on the publication as a site of exchange and collaboration, print technologies as tools for union, and letterforms as modes of magic. She founded STUART press in 2019.
Mohammed Saleh is a Permaculture designer, activist and educator who holds two degrees in both Psychology and Musicology. He has been working in the field of sustainability for about a decade.
RESOLVE Collective is an interdisciplinary design collective that combines architecture, engineering, technology and art to address social challenges.